Barcode Compliance

You want readable barcodes, not only for regulatory compliance, but also for efficiency, convenience and yes, savings.

Online data validation - or ODV - is the answer. The Printronix ODV delivers 100% validation automatically.

Available on the T8000 thermal printer, ODV ensures that all barcodes meet the most stringent scanning standards to:

  • Eliminate chargebacks due to refused or delayed shipments.
  • Reduce unnecessary compliance costs.
  • Eliminate unscannable barcodes.
  • Reduce labor costs and downtime with an unattended solution.
  • Capture and display the raw data embedded in each barcode, to provide further assurance that critical data, such as serialized barcodes, print correctly.

Let us show you how the Printronix ODV solution can make your printing process more efficient and productive.

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